Make a sentence using the word slot

If now a small weight, as a penny, be passed through the slot, H, it falls into the small box, I, and causes the lever, J, to turn; the lever, J, which turns in friction wheels at K, and is counterbalanced at 0, carries a toothed segment, L, which actuates a small pinion on the same axle as F, and is free to turn on that axle by a sleeve.

A linguistic word could perhaps be defined as the sequence of sounds found in a particular utterance in a given human context and which functions as a unit. GitHub - SNUDerek/multiLSTM: keras attentional bi-LSTM-CRF for keras attentional bi-LSTM-CRF for Joint NLU (slot-filling and intent detection) with ATIS - SNUDerek/multiLSTM GitHub - CSKrishna/Tree_Lstms-for-Aspect-​based-Sentiment

attention based joint model for intent detection and slot filling - brightmart/slot_filling_intent_​joint_model

So are sentences formed by words, the words are the bones and they are put together in different ways to form sentences. But just because you put words together in the right order, it doesn't mean you will have a sentence that makes sense. Sentence for hope | Use hope in a sentence Hope sentence examples. English majors, word game players, and people looking to increase their knowledge of English might especially benefit from this page. The lines of text below use hope in a sentence, and provide visitors a sentence for hope. Word order in sentences | Learning English Grammar ... The order of words in an English sentence is very important. A change in word order often results in a change of meaning. Many other languages use inflection, a change in the form of words, to show how the parts of a sentence function.

You can make better sense of long and complicated sentence by attempting to recognize sentence modifiers. If a sentence begins with a word like whenever , after , because, or in , the odds are you have a sentence modifier in the front slot.

A large slot has to be cut in the cone which forms the upper part of the polar axis, in order to allow the telescope to be pointed nearer to the pole than would otherwise be possible; even so stars within 15° of the pole cannot be observed.

slot | Definition of slot in English by Oxford Dictionaries

9780205209521 Understanding English Grammar | Adjective | Verb W e will then describe the prepositional . known as the comparative and superlative degrees: Adjective A dverb big near bigger nearer biggest nearest W hen the word has two or more syllables. Tlingit language - Wikipedia It is a branch of the Na-Dene language family. Extensive effort is being put into revitalization programs in Southeast Alaska to revive and preserve the Tlingit language and culture. Deep learning - Wikipedia The weights and inputs are multiplied and return an output between 0 and 1. If the network didn’t accurately recognize a particular pattern, an algorithm would adjust the weights. [103] That way the algorithm can make certain parameters …

The subject slot tells who or what the sentence is about. Every sentence is also required to have a verb slot. The verb determines whether or not any other slots are required and what those other slots will be called. The verb is the boss. The sentence patterns dance to the tune of the verb.

Mining Paraphrasal Typed Templates from a Plain Text ... - Columbia CS nal representation to a natural language phrase, sentence ... each slot using a large taxonomy, and group to- ..... in both templates to create two sentences about. Easy Loglan: An Introduction for Beginners But when we use a predicate to make a claim, we want to say who or what it ... So you see that we can fill the single mrenu slot either with a little word (what in .... These little words can also qualify the predicate in a sentence, or they can qualify ... Long Sentence Partitioning using Structure ... - Semantic Scholar For the analysis of the clausal structure, phrase-level sentence patterns which .... pattern makes it easy to use adequate information .... coordinate with other slot. 7 Diagramming Sentences

Academic English Words List and Example Sentences Example sentences with the put-off , a sentence example for put-off , and how to make put-off in sample sentence, how do I use the word put-off in a sentence? How do you spell put-off in a sentence? spelling of put-off Allay in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote ... 57 sentence examples: 1. The police tried to allay her fears but failed. 2. The government is keen to allay the public's fears. 3. She was anxious to allay any suspicion that she had married for money. 4. The government is desperately trying to allay